Building Tendering Capability - Middle East
Zara Trengrove
Senior Consultant
A large Middle Eastern services company had previously only bid as the primary vendor in large scale government tenders, and needed assistance to manage the process of bidding as a subcontractor or joint venture with another firm. Specifically, the customer identified the risks present in the arrangement without proper agreements in place between the bidders that may result in poor service design, lack of trust between the parties and poor pricing through lack of knowledge of the overall project and lack of oversight to ensure the project value to both parties was understood and ensure a competitive and compelling tender response.
Scriptus was engaged to support the process and to manage the response by our client. Our team prioritised the formal agreement between the two parties, combined with the analysis and breakdown of the documents and buyers requirements to structure a clear and effective project management for the shared response. This organised approach combined with a priority on financial transparency and clarity of roles and responsibilities across revenue and value generation within the contract from the start enabled a highly collaborative approach between the parties. The biding process, financial submissions and qualitative responses in addition to the clients compliance statements and responses were designed in full by the Scriptus team in conjunction with internal client teams and stakeholders and approved by the client executive team.
This strong relationship base and organised bid process ensured both parties to the contract understood their strengths and what value existed within the arrangement for them. The high quality of the bid documents and proposed solution designed by the parties with Scriptus resulted in a successful contract for the client and has resulted din an ongoing service partnership between the two entities leading onto contracts and projects.