With a success rate of over 90%, our Tender Support professionals can enhance or kickstart your tendering journey. Scriptus has the knowledge and capacity to build your company a structured approach to developing competitive and compelling tender responses. Our services are designed to help you assess and strategically compile your response, build your bid methodology, and construct high-quality submissions that can win contracts.

Our ‘bespoke’ service elements consist of Tender Collateral Development (templates, case studies, image and policy library), proof reading and editing submissions/bids, identify and expand policy insight and collate key tender components.  By combining these service elements, we form the base for building a comprehensive Tender Tool Kit for your business.


Advice, Editing and Review

Our team has extensive experience across every step of the tendering process. We can provide as little or as much support as you require - from general reviews to entire compilations of your tender submissions.

Building Custom Materials

Scriptus’ Tender Support Services are designed to provide a suite of legacy custom materials that your business can use for your future tendering requirements; including templates, policies and relevant case studies.

The Complete Tender Tool Kit

Scriptus’ unique Tender Tool Kit product has been developed over many years of working with companies just like yours. The Tool Kit can help you and your team create professional and successful tender applications.