News & Insights
Do your organisation’s business values and internal
policies need updating to be more Inclusive?
Business values have the ability to create a strong sense of connectedness and belonging across not just the entire business, but their wider community, as they lay the foundation of what the company cares most about. Values help build a sense of common purpose that employees should understand and work towards but which they hopefully also find empowering. The creation of a social inclusion policy, and most importantly the designed actions to be taken by a business, hold large economic benefits when positioned correctly. Businesses reflecting strong workplace cultures and inclusive behaviours see great economic benefits with improved employment outcomes including, enhanced physical and mental health of employees and increased productivity within the workplace. Aligning your purpose, vision, values, and ethics to your social inclusion policies and placing them across your business builds confidence and connectedness within your teams; which in turn drives collaboration and loyalty.
Going green: Governments seek it and the planet needs it!
Is your business ready to be green?
No longer just a buzz word, “going green” can hold huge economic benefits while boosting your company’s profile. The shift in mindset coming up through the next generation is pushing for sustainability and companies are going to have to step up if they want to stay competitive and relevant. Small steps can become atomic habits, so it’s time to start thinking about; the types of vehicles your company operates.
Who supplies your electricity and how is it sourced? Prioritising businesses in your supply chain that are already integrating sustainable business practices. Does your business have a digitisation strategy that reduces waste production? Have you investigated available grants to help you ‘go green’? Does your corporate travel policy include carbon offset strategies? Is your environmental policy still relevant for today? Do your business partnerships stack up with your green mission? These are just some of the questions you need to be asking…
Have we planted a seed? Want to know more about how we are helping businesses and government make positive change? Talk to you soon.
Modern Slavery Statement
While we often think of slavery as a historical crime from the distant past, the reality could not be more different. Today, there are likely more people living in conditions of slavery than at any other time in history. The 2021 Global Estimates report by the International Labour Organisation estimates there are more than 50 million people in modern slavery conditions worldwide, with up to 15,000 people estimated to be living in conditions of modern slavery in Australia according to the Global Slavery Index (2018).
Although publishing your business statement is only required for businesses with an annual revenue of over $100 million AUD in accordance with the 2019 Act, businesses seeking government contracts should also consider holding a position on the matter.
By publicly releasing a Modern Slavery Statement on their website and backing it up with positive action, your organisation is outlining their commitment to human rights as well as the strategies in place to address modern slavery. One of the many benefits of such an action for Internal staff is providing easy access to the measures your organisation is taking to prevent modern slavery in your supply chain.